
The first night you saw me undress while I changed into my pyjamas. The first night I slipped under the covers with you. The first night we were spending the night together. The room was so dark, it was almost pitch black - save the sliver of moonlight that danced through the sheer curtains.

You didn't know it at that time, but I was so nervous. You weren't the first boy I've shared a bed with but for some reason, I felt like my heart was about to leap out of my chest. In one smooth motion, you took me into your arms. You gazed down at me as I anxiously looked up at you.

I'm not ready yet...don't make me push you away.

You put your hand on my heart. I caught my breathe and held it for what seemed like an eternity. And then you leaned down and kissed me softly and just held me for the whole night.

I wasn't even sure if I loved you yet. But at that moment, I knew you were different. You weren't like the other guys. You didn't rush me or make me feel bad for pushing you away. You were patient.



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